In light of the pandemic, and the need to slow the spread of COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), we have been performing many office visits via Telemedicine. This type of visit allows you and your loved ones to stay #SafeAtHome.
There are, however, some limitations to obtaining ENT care via videoconferencing. The most apparent being the inability to fully examine the ear canal and ear drum.
For this reason, we took the time to research various options to ensure you are receiving the best possible care even when we can’t see you in the office.
Below you will find various links to Amazon. Each link will take you to a different digital otoscope (device used to look inside the ear) that you may purchase prior to your scheduled appointment.
Please keep in mind the purchase of a digital otoscope is in no way a requirement for a Telemedicine visit with any of our providers. This is merely an option you may utilize if you want us to be able to see exactly what is happening inside your ear canal without you having to be physically present in the office.
If you choose to purchase a digital otoscope, we will ask you to either take a picture (or record a video) of the inside of your ear prior to your appointment. On the day of your appointment we will contact you to gather basic health information and will give you further instructions on how to send the picture or video to us at that time.
If you choose to purchase a digital otoscope, please keep the following tips in mind:
- Make sure the otoscope comes with ear speculums (also referred to as an ear specula). The speculum should be the only thing you insert into your ear.
- Some otoscopes will also come with picks or hooks for the purpose of removing ear wax. It is our suggestion, that you THROW THESE AWAY. These devices can easily fall into your ear canal and/or cause damage to your ear canal and ear drum.
- Make sure you buy an otoscope that will connect or communicate with whatever platform you choose to use (ie. phone, tablet, computer, etc.). Also, keep in mind that some otoscopes will not communicate with iPhone.
- Lastly, each manufacturer will tell you the name of the app you need to download in order to view the otoscope image. If you are having difficulties with the app suggested, we have found the app named WIFI Image works very well with a variety of digital otoscopes.
The following are suggestions for various types of digital otoscopes
Teslong (Approx. $52.00) – Will connect to iPhone, iPad, or Android devices
Teslong Mini (Approx. $28.00) – Will connect to Android, Mac, & Windows
Anykit (Approx. $32.00) – Will connect to Android, Mac, & Windows
CrazyFire (Approx. $29.00) – Will connect to Android, Mac, & Windows